Why ME???!

Posted: January 25, 2013 in Uncategorized
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You know the age-old question. You hear it being asked all around you all the time; sometimes morphed in a grunt of misery, sometimes amplified in a wail of pain, sometimes whispered in a prayer for answers. Recently I had a why me moment myself. It raised (as opposed to reduced) me to tears.

Sometimes all you need to do is open your mind to everything around you; and if it’s open enough, you see things the way someone else might.

Why me? What did I do to deserve everything that happens to me and unfolds before me?

Why me?

What did I do?

Surely it’s not fair.


Showers of blessings.



  1. Sy says:

    Raised me to tears?!!! I’ve dwelled on that line since I first read it a few days ago. What a surprizing turn of phrase…beautiful.

  2. Love the twist you put on why me. It s really humbling for me whenever I let myself noticed that I’m loved 🙂

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